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Q: What is the CDS eCQAP?

A: The eCQAP is part of Clinical Diagnostic Solutions (CDS) Clinical Quality Assurance Program (CQAP). Organizations using CDS hematology controls can upload their control data and be compared to other peers on a monthly basis.

eCQAP allows users to access its features over the internet and via a web browser. In order to access eCQAP you will need to be enrolled in the CDS CQAP program. You will be provided with Log-in credentials by your tech support representative.

Q: How do I register with eCQAP?

A: Contact your CDS tech support representative and request to be enrolled in the CQAP web program. The program is free of cost to all CDS customers.

Q: How do I get started?

A: Once you have been enrolled, you will be provided with a Lab ID and password. Using these credentials, log in to eCQAP to submit data and view reports. Your log in is specific to your Lab ID, which protects your privacy. You will only see reports related to your Lab ID.

Q: What instruments are supported by eCQAP?

A: All instruments for which CDS manufactures hematology controls are supported by eCQAP. Some of these are:

Boule: Medonic CA620, Medonic M-Series, Swelab Alfa, Swelab AC920
Coulter: ACT Series, S-Plus Series, MD Series, STKS, LH750, MaxM
Abbott: Cell-Dyns 1400, 1600, 1700, 1800
ABX: Micros60
Mindray: 3000 Series
Orphee : Mythic 18
Sysmex: KX-Series

Q: What information can be uploaded on eCQAP?

A: Your lab’s hematology controls monthly QC results can be uploaded on eCQAP either manually or digitally. For both manually and digitally data upload, a “reference section” needs to be filled out with information on the instrument, control lot, QC month and lab calibration. Then, if uploading data manually, the “N”, “Mean” and “1SD” may be entered for each parameter. For digital upload, a file is chosen and submitted.

Q: What reports will be generated by the eCQAP?

A: After submission of results, a “non-processed” report containing the data just submitted will be created. This report can be viewed and edited any time before the submission cutoff date (6th of the month). After the submission cutoff date, the report gets “processed” and it displays the specific lab’s data in comparison to its peer group data. This allows the lab to assess their results against other labs using the same hematology controls and identify any QC issues/concerns.

Q: What are the benefits of the eCQAP program?

A: Below is a list of some of the benefits of CDS eCQAP platform

Ease of use
Fast turnaround time
Easy access to your current and historical data
Print and save reports at your convenience
Two electronic methods of submission to choose from
Practical troubleshooting tool
Follow QC trends
Reduced human error

Q: When should data be submitted to eCQAP?

A: Data can be submitted anytime.

Q: When will reports be available?

A: “Processed” peer group reports (for current month) will be available 7-10 days after the 6th of the month. Any past reports are available under View Reports.

Q: What happens if we submit data after the 6th of the month?

A:  After the submission cutoff date, the data will not be included in group calculations, but you will receive a report.

Q: I forgot my password, how can I reset it?

A:  Go to the login page, and click on “Forgot Password”. Enter the email and you’ll receive instructions on how to reset your password via e-mail.

Q: I forgot my LAB ID, how can I retrieve it?

A:  Go to the login page, and click on “Forgot lab ID”. Enter the email registered in eCQAP and you’ll receive your lab ID via email.

Q: How long does eCQAP store reports for?

A:  eCQAP currently stores at least a year of data. That means there may be cases eCQAP will store data longer than a year depending on storage resources.

Q: What if I have other questions / comments?

A: If you have any other questions, please contact us through by submitting information on our contact us page.